Stay Connected Charities Corp.
Event Calendar
Stay Connected Charities Corp has been fortunate to be a part of the lives of so many wonderful people. Here are some of their stories:

Mary, Jenny, Tyler, and Mandy Jones

"When I lost my job, I had no idea how I was going too take care of my family. As a single mother of three, I was desperate. Stay Conneced helped us get on our feet again. They were understanding and very compassionate. They didn't merely give me money; they gave me something far more important. They gave me a chance to help myself. They assisted me through job interviews, made sure that my children were well fed, and gave me the skills I needed to get back on my feet. I am now employed, and volunteer for Stay Connected on the weekends. I love helping families in need. It feels good to be able to give back to the community after they have done so much to help my family."

Drop-off Locations

Holy Rosary Church
80 Jerome Avenue
Staten Island, New York 10305

Metuchen Townwide Garage Sale
Saturday, April 17th

Stay Connected Charities Corp
145 Logan Avenue, Staten Island, NY
(800) 420-1676
Upcoming Schedule of Events

Date Time Event
Collection Drive for Haiti
Collection Drive
Web Hosting Companies